Park Street, Hamilton South. Entire house was Tuckpointed just under 2 years ago. Tuckpointing has fallen off in numerous areas around front of house. Case in now with Dept Fair Trading.
Kemp Street, The Junction. Appalling colour match to mortar, incorrect joint finish and mortar left smeared on brickwork over entire surface. “You get what you pay for…”
Kemp Street, The Junction. Notice the small cuts to the brickwork left in the bricks above and below the vertical joints. These cuts will stay with the brickwork for life..
Parkway Avenue, Hamilton South. Appalling detail to the Tuckpointing lines and Tuckpointing mix left smeared on the brickwork.
Stewart Ave, Hamilton South. Lack of experience on the part of this “Tuckpointer” meant rising damp was ignored on this property, causing Tuckpointing to fall off in less than 12 months.
Stewart Avenue Hamilton South. Bad mortar/brick colour match and some of the worst attention to detail we have ever seen.Hard to believe this was actually done by a so called “professional” Tuckpointer.
This one leaves us without words…. ( Yes, hard to believe, a so called “Professional” Tuckpointer)
Park St, Hamilton South. This “Travelling” Tuckpointer couldn’t understand why the customer wasn’t happy with his work.
Park Street, Hamilton South. Same “Travelling” Tuckpointer, Same disgraceful attention to detail. Customer now regrets accepting the “cheaper quote”
Newcastle Street, Stockton. We quoted this project for the property owner and lost the job to a “cheaper quote”. Absolutely no surface preparation by this “tradesman” and zero attention to detail.
Same property, Newcastle Street, Stockton. Moss and weeds were growing from the old mortar, so this “tradesman” just went around them! This mortar will be falling out within 12 months and the owner will have to re-point the property again….
Newcastle Street Stockton. We totalled the hours saved by this so called “Tuckpointer” by not preparing the brickwork prior to repointing. Approx. 45% time saving to him, not counting the time saved by his complete lack of attention to detail and his neglect to clean up afterwards…
This photo clearly shows that the old mortar was not removed. This “Tuckpointer” simply placed new mortar on top of the old mortar. Hard to believe, but sadly true. Don’t fall for the “travelling Tuckpointers”